Friday, December 5, 2008


Hi everybody (meaning my wife), just checking in to say that Braeden is one heck of a good aim when it comes to peeing and pooping on his mommy. I think she feels special that Braeden would try so hard to squirt her in the face, and she's doing a pretty darn good job of taking care of this kid of ours. He's a good baby, and we have a lot of fun hanging out with him....I love having a normal family now, with a wife who loves me and a little boy who seems very curious about the most random things (our lamp definitely taking the top of the list).
Braeden likes to laugh in his sleep, and it is the greatest thing to hear. Sometimes I forget how incredibly blessed my family has been so far in this life, and I need to realize how fortunate we are. We were able to rent an apartment in Denver this morning, which is a great relief to us. Hopefully, we'll be able to afford to buy an apartment in a few months (it would save us thousands upon thousands of dollars over the next few years) in Denver.
Anyway, I just wanted to put up a post about how cool my wife is. She works pretty darn hard, and never neglects taking care of Braeden, keeping things clean, working on our relationship, and just helping me out in everything. It sounds like I keep her chained in the kitchen or something, but really Steph doesn't seem to mind too much filling those roles. I am excited for finals to end soon, so I can help her out a little more than I do!

1 comment:

The Busey Family said...

I love you so much! Sometimes it is hard to tell just how much you love me and appreciate me. I am sure it is the same for you, but the little things like this let me know. Us humans like to take things for granted too much. I am so grateful for you and all that hard work that you do. Love you mucho mucho smoocho.