Sunday, April 3, 2011

March 31st Post

There’s something inexplicably therapeutic about watching that black line move smoothly underneath you as you’re swimming a lap; maybe it’s just the satisfaction of knowing that you have your face in the water and have finally managed to coordinate breathing with large movements.

Anyway, that therapeutic feeling was replaced this morning with a weak left shoulder and a relatively large amount of unnecessary gasping. I finally realized that today just wasn’t the best day for swimming; I pulled myself out, feeling like I was supposed to apologize to the lifeguard for tricking him into thinking that I was actually going to get an effective workout today.

Since then, I’ve been  at the hospital where I am precepting a new nurse who is doing all of the work, leaving me with worrying about more important things in life such as stalking old friends on Facebook (you know, the kind that I want to know what they’re up to but have no intention of ever establishing communication with) or calling my wife to offer moral support after Braeden managed to practically flood the kitchen (he had a hayday with the refrigerator water dispenser for about ten minutes).

So, here’s to another productive day! I think Steph might be here now….she’s bringing me Taco Bell food….

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