Tuesday, April 4, 2017

I Should Probably Be Embarrassed

So I peed in front of a trail camera. It wasn't on purpose, well, actually I did pee on purpose but I didn't realize the trail camera existed at the time, even though I was only about 3 feet in front of it (waist level, unfortunately for whomever reviews the footage). Hey, when you're on a country trail jog and you've gotta go, you've gotta go. On another note, I did a public service because now (3 months later) there is a brand-spanking-new porta-potty at the trail entrance.

There are lots of other stories in which I should be embarrassed, because I'm really good at that sort of thing. But I digress at this time.

Been a long while since I've written anything here, I'm thinking of restarting my old habit of entering stuff. I enjoyed my trail jog yesterday, with the expanse of my Oregon world stretching itself as far as I could see, the North Umpqua river snaking along its shiny pathway towards the ocean. It was near the place where I went for a jog with Dad not long before he had his second (disabling) stroke. The trail is so steep I keep saying that I should start jogging with an AED in my pack. I'll include a photo:

The jog was completely invigorating, and sorely needed after weeks of a lot of work and very little personal relaxation. 

In other news, I installed a new head unit on my truck with a rear-view camera, as well as finishing a bunch of other home projects. The head unit should have been simple, but like most first-timers I successfully made it a bit of a long and redundant process until I got it right. 

Also, my first brush with doing a brush-fire. It was exciting and burned for like 3 days. 

I still can't figure out why my front yard is completely soggy all the time. It's a mystery.

Our microwave finally has the fan hooked up, after only a year of me getting around to it. I deserve a medal. 

We love the beach and exploring Oregon together...that's how we do. 

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