Friday, February 20, 2009

Ten reasons why I love my wife:

Ten reasons why I love my wife:
1. She can find anything around the house (I lose everything)
2. She threatens me on an hourly basis
3. She recounts every dream she has in the morning
4. She is obsessed with Diet Dr. Pepper but refrains from buying it very much
5. She gossips to 3-month old Braeden, usually beginning with “Braeden, there’s something you need to know about your dad….”
6. She listens to middle-school teenage girl music (as far as I can tell, that phase doesn’t end for most girls until they turn 26, after which they still listen to it because it is nostalgic for them)
7. She doesn’t text on dates. She just calls people
8. She reads my blog and makes comments
9. She loves holidays and is constantly trying to get me to join her festivities
10. She has racy chats with me on instant messenger (did I just tell people that??)

In short, she’s wonderful. I love coming home to her every day; the longer we’re married, the more I love being with her. Unless she is trying to give me purple nurples; I keep telling her that she’s going to cause me to get breast cancer, and that will be very embarrassing.


The Stingy Seamripper said...

This is adorable. You all are blessed to have each other (regardless of all purple nurple situations).

The Busey Family said...

Oh boy! You are bored there without me. I love you though and now and I am going to write a blog about you. It will be dad is helping me so it will be good. Love you lots!

Anonymous said...

What's a "purple nurple"?

Anonymous said...

I guess since you haven't answered yet and it's been a few days, I'll just answer the question myself. To whatever audience who reads this, the expert Daniel opines that a "purple nurple" is a type of drink, like a slurpee or icee.

Ben said...

Yes, Daniel, it's a drink. No more opining, you're enough pined away as it is and I'm afraid we'd lose the rest of you if you opine anymore....purple nurples involve purple nipples that have been purposefully pulled to cause perfect people (like me) piercing pain.

edith said...

Hi! It sounds a lot like you and Phillip have the same reasons for loving your wife. Dan will soon get purple nurples too. LOL