Sunday, January 18, 2009

You Can Always Make It to the Top

Recently I've started biking with a group of true, hard-core road cyclists who are taking me to my limits every Thursday and Saturday. Yesterday it was a 40-mile bike ride, culminating with an 8-mile mountain climb to the top of a peak overlooking the entire Denver area and a good part of the Rockies.
We had made the climb on Thursday as well, and since I was sore from that trip I wasn't sure if I would be able to make it. I mentioned it to my buddy Sam, and he said something that could probably be applied to a lot of situations: “You can always make it to the top.” Well, I did it, and I'll do it again this week, because it's all about heart. We've got the strength, we've got the guts to make it to the top; we've just got to believe it. When our last little bit of energy is spent, we turn around and realize that we've got tons of energy stored up for that very moment, that all we have to do is let ourselves dig it up. The only way to find your limits is to push yourself so far that you realize that you set your own. That's why we get up every day and study. That's why we keep doing whatever necessary to live our lives and become better people. That's why Jesus Christ showed us he had no limits, because he wants us to realize that our limits are in our minds, that we have no idea how great we could become .

1 comment:

The Zenks said...

Hey was a dolla and I had to give it to you in quarters remember? But quarters still count and it would have been worth six of 'em anyway...I like wild rice...hilarious.
PS the word verification I'm reading below says Die Rag.