Been awhile! I'm not even sure I was the one who posted the bit about our jon-boating (I think it may have been Stephanie; or perhaps I'm just beginning to talk like she does). At any rate, I've been keeping busy with all kinds of projects at home, getting ready to move next month, and keeping up with my classes that I have to complete before starting the trauma fellowship in August.
I've recently been reading a lot of teen fiction (I keep trying to find quality adult fiction but have so far failed; it's either been mind-numbing boredom or inappropriate drivel. Plus I don't get any of their adult references). Mostly it is the dystopian-type genre, which really appeals to me because I think we're all kind of headed for either total government control or an apocalyptic event; either way I am constantly trying to convince my wife of the need for things such as large guns, battle axes, and quality camping equipment (I'm not going down without a fight). Oh, and we also need to move to some forsaken community in the mountains where we can melt into the wilderness as soon as the world goes totally berserk. Really, this is all the fault of The Hunger Games series, which after devouring set me on a literary rampage resulting in the complete slaughter of at least six more books/series including Uglies, The Mortal Instruments, The Immortal Rules, Divergent, and a bunch of other sub-par literary endeavors that had me mildly entertained but totally unimpressed.
The End.
I hope to write more, sometime soon!
The Sunset
1 year ago