My son has figured us out. Instead of saying, “No” when I tell him to do something, he says “Not yet.” Instead of admitting to Mommy that he drank all of the Diet Dr. Pepper in her cup, he says “Daddy took it.” Instead of sitting obediently with his back to the wall during timeouts, he says “Can I have a hug?” and does it in such a way that I can barely stand it if I don’t walk over and ruin his disciplinary moment with a hug and conversation about how wonderful he is.
I’m raising a manipulator, the type that is going to be a great success on and off the playing fields of life by charming or talking his way into everything good and out of everything bad.
Actually, I’m kinda proud of him. How many two-year olds seem to fully grasp the concept of avoiding conflict or punishment through passing the buck or re-focusing the attention? Don’t spoil it, I would like to think my little mischief-maker is extra-special.
Meanwhile, I have to figure out how to thwart him today.