So, every morning I get up really early. I go into the bathroom to take a shower, and out of pure habit and a decreased mental state I usually turn on the water and immediately pull the “converter” to make the water shoot out of the showerhead. The problem is that I usually still have my head bent over the bathtub, so I get completely doused with freezing water and end up sputtering and gasping for air as I try to escape the icy deluge. It’s quite the accidental wake-up technique, and I know that normal people would learn to pull back before switching the water track but I seem to be immune to such normal behaviors. It happens to me about three times a week, and I don’t see myself getting any more intelligenter in the future.
I decided two days ago that life was not worth living in a constant state of mental anguish caused by my nursing instructors. I took an exam yesterday, and for the first time this entire year I turned in my finished copy without first discussing with her the various “mistakes” on the test (sometimes I think she rode the short bus as a child). Kudos to myself for trying to not always be anal, right?
Anyway, life is going well since I decided that some classes just aren’t worth the stress. I’ve been spending more time with Steph and Braeden, who are quite the characters. Braeden and I went exploring the other day around the house, hunting for buried treasure. He held my little LED road bike flashlight, I carried the “gun,” map, and a protective paintball mask while we searched the downstairs. Stephanie kept getting on our cases because she was trying to cook in the pitch-black (Braeden and I wouldn’t let her turn on the lights; that wouldn’t have felt very realistic), but we were more than happy to help her see with the use of our flashlight. For some reason, though, Braeden liked to have the flashlight on “disco mode,” and the spinning illumination finally drove Steph batty and she essentially told us that if we didn’t stop then she just might have to sell us to the garbage-man. Lucky for us, though, we had just found our buried treasure; it was remarkably similar to the green fishing net I have in the closet. What a weird coincidence, huh?
That’s my dysfunctional life pattern, and I’m stickin’ to it.
The Sunset
1 year ago