At the beginning of this election campaign, I had no idea for whom I would cast my vote. After reading through the views of the republican and democratic candidates, I was still confused; most of their views were actually very similar, though one opted for more government control than the other. I spent hours reading articles both from conservative and liberal views, trying to figure out which one I really was. I participated in a health care ethics course which ended up addressing many of the controversial topics of today; I was glad to be able to hear so many different viewpoints on topics such as abortion, socialism, economy, patient assisted suicide, personal choice, and religious perspectives. It really opened my eyes about some things, helping me see where my views may be too heavily influenced by my lack of experience.
What I am getting at is I have been trying to figure out a better way for me to shape my views, and after a lot of reflection, personal research, and contemplation I have come to the conclusion that our views are not to be shaped every time a new situation pops up, but rather our views should reflect the principles that we uphold. For example, there is no reason for us to decide whether or not we should gamble if we understand that Satan has always tried to get us to think we can have blessings without the work, or happiness without following good morals. I think that our personal freedoms operate along the same path, and that our God-inspired Constitution provides the principles upon which our country should operate but that our current political situation breeds ignorance of those principles and emphasis on faith in oneself instead of something much greater.
I disagree with McCain and Obama on immigration, education, gun rights (McCain says he supports them, but his history speaks otherwise), part of their views on abortion, their increased spending for a government up to its neck in debt, views on how to resolve the mortgage crisis, improving the economy through temporary solutions, and several others (especially on Obama's side, but we won't go there).
I also disagree with Chuck Baldwin on a few things. Number one, I think that he overestimates the power of the presidential office in bringing about change. Number two, should he be elected (which I know is not going to happen, so don't even start), he would quickly realize that a few of his ideas are simply not feasible (such as eliminating the FDA). However, I believe that the principles that he upholds are correct, and as long as he would continue making decisions based on the principles of the Constitution, this country would be safe.
I read through the entire websites of each candidate for the last time this morning. It saddened me that, on McCain and Obama's extensive websites, I hardly found enough references to the Constitution to be counted on one hand, and even those were simple wording quotes (ie "of the people, by the people, and for the people" ). We are about to elect, whether it is McCain or Obama, a man who is not basing his presidential decisions on the principles founded by the Constitution, but on personal viewpoints. That is not good government, either of a country or of a person. When we elect a president, we should elect a man who is willing to put down his personal pride and say “The Constitution of the United States supports” instead of “I think we should....” We need a man who will uphold principles and not just personal ideals.
Really, this was a hard decision for me to make. Chuck Baldwin obviously has no experience as a politician, cannot possibly win, and this is an important election. If I lived in a swing state, my vote may have been different, but as it stands I am going to support a man who I believe bases his ideas on true principles, which means that although his methods can and would probably change, the effects would be the same of protecting our freedom and helping this nation prosper once again. I made this decision after reading the following passages from Doctrine and Covenants, and I have placed a list of quotes from Baldwin's website at the bottom of this post. I refuse to vote for “The lesser of two evils,” because I refuse to support evil in our government. I am trying to base my voting on principles, and not individual characteristics.
D&C 98:10-14
Therefore, I, the Lord, justify you, and your brethren of my church, in befriending that law which is the constitutional law of the land; and as pertaining to law of man, whatsoever is more or less than this, cometh of evil. I, the Lord God, make you free, therefore ye are free indeed; and the law also maketh you free. Nevertheless, when the wicked rule the people mourn. Wherefore, honest men and wise men should be sought for diligently, and good men and wise men ye should observe to uphold; otherwise whatsoever is less than these cometh of evil. And I give unto you a commandment, that ye shall forsake all evil and cleave unto all good, that ye shall live by every word which proceedeth forth out of the mouth of God. For he will give unto the faithful line upon line, precept upon precept; and I will try you and prove you herewith.
D&C 101:77-80
According to the laws and constitution of the people, which I have suffered to be established, and should be maintained for the rights and protection of all flesh, according to just and holy principles; that every man may act in doctrine and principle pertaining to futurity, according to the moral agency which I have given unto him, that every man may be accountable for his own sins in the day of judgment. Therefore, it is not right that any man should be in bondage one to another. And for this purpose have I established the Constitution of this land.
Chuck Baldwin's Website Excerpts
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
I wholeheartedly support the unimpeded right of parents to provide for the education of their children in the manner they deem best, including homeschooling or private or religious instruction. My Administration will oppose any and all federal legislation that would interfere with or restrict that liberty.
I support equitable tax relief for families whose children do not attend government schools. "Education" will only start to improve in this country when control of the education of our children is returned to the states, the local communities and, most importantly, to the parents.
2nd Amendment Rights
Richard Henry Lee, a signer of the Declaration, once said, "To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
Just as the right to bear arms is necessary in the defense against tyranny, so to is that same right vital for the purpose of self-defense. American citizens use a firearm to defend themselves more than 2.4 million times EVERY YEAR. That is more than 6,500 times EVERY DAY. This means that, each year, firearms are used 60 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives. Furthermore, of the 2.4 million self-defense cases, more than 192,000 are by women defending themselves against sexual assault. And in less than eight percent of those occasions is a shot actually fired. The vast majority of the time (92%), the mere presence of a firearm helps to avert a major crime from occurring. That is what Congressman Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) concluded after extensive research. According to Rep. Bartlett, the number of defensive uses is four times the number of crimes reported committed with guns.
Government regulation and subsidy constitutes a threat to both the quality and availability of patient-oriented health care and treatment. Hospitals, doctors, and other health care providers should be accountable to patients - not to politicians, insurance bureaucrats, or HMO Administrators.
If the supply of medical care is controlled by the federal government, then officers of that government will determine which demand is satisfied. The result will be the rationing of services, higher costs, poorer results - and the power of life and death transferred from caring physicians to unaccountable political overseers.
To all Americans who believe:
That each individual is endowed by his Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are the rights to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness;
That the freedom to own, use, exchange, control, protect, and freely dispose of property is a natural, necessary and inseparable extension of the individual's unalienable rights;
That the legitimate function of government is to secure these rights through the preservation of domestic tranquility, the maintenance of a strong national defense, and the promotion of equal justice for all;
That left unchecked, it is the nature of government to usurp the liberty of its citizens and eventually become a major violator of the people's rights; and
That, therefore, it is essential to bind government with the chains of the Constitution and carefully divide and jealously limit government powers to those assigned by the consent of the governed...
"The time for rhetoric is over. We will seal our borders and ports. I support construction of a fence to secure our borders, but a Baldwin Administration will not wait for the construction of a fence in order to seal and secure our borders. We will utilize whatever force is necessary, including regular military personnel, to effectively secure our borders immediately. It is lunacy to send troops and National Guard half way around the world to protect the borders of Iraq while leaving our own borders wide open.
"Employers in America who knowingly hire illegal aliens are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. In plain language: any employer who consciously hires illegal aliens would go to jail. They would not pass Go; they would not collect $200; they would go straight to jail.
"By sealing the borders and by cutting off the money supply to illegal aliens, the problem of illegal immigration would dry up. As it is, we have no idea how many potential terrorists--not to mention violent gang members such as MS-13--have snuck (and are sneaking) through our borders.
"As President, I would enforce our visa rules. This means anyone who overstays their visa or otherwise violates U.S. law is immediately deported. We mean business and only when it is clear that we do mean business will we begin to see respect for our immigration laws.
"There will be no "path to citizenship" given to any illegal alien. That means no amnesty. Not in any shape, manner, or form. I would not allow tax dollars to be used to pay for illegal aliens' education, social services, or medical care. As President, I would end birthright citizenship for illegal aliens. There would be no "anchor babies" during my administration.
In order to keep jobs in this country, we need to have a trade policy that works in the best interest of the American people. To this end, I favor a tariff based revenue system, originally implemented by our founding fathers, which was the policy of the United States during most of our nation's history. A tariff on foreign imports, based on the difference between the foreign item's cost of production abroad and the cost of production of a similar item produced in the United States, would be a Constitutional step toward a fair trade policy that would protect American jobs and, at the same time, raise revenue for our national government.
Fourth Amendment: the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures
"I oppose any legislation and/or executive order, that deprives the people of their rights secured under the Fourth and Fifth Amendments under the guise of "combating terrorism" or "protecting national security." Examples of such legislation are the National Security Act, the USA PATRIOT Act, and the proposed Domestic Securities Enhancement Act (colloquially known as "Patriot II").
"I will oppose and vigorously support the movement already underway in many state legislatures to repeal the Real ID Act. The national ID card called for in the Real ID Act of 2005 is repressive, invasive, and unconstitutionally violative of the fourth amendment rights of the people. The "Real ID" has been unadvisedly promoted as a deterrent to terrorism and illegal immigration, but would not resolve either of those problems as evidenced by the fact that several of the September 11th hijackers used legitimate driver's license.
The pre-born child, whose life begins at fertilization, is a human being created in God's image. The first duty of the law is to prevent the shedding of innocent blood. It is, therefore, the duty of all civil governments, and that certainly includes the office of the President of the United States, to secure and to safeguard the lives of the pre-born. I affirm the God-given legal person hood of all unborn human beings, without exception.
In addition to guaranteeing the legal person hood of the unborn, Ron Paul's Sanctity of Life Act, which I wholeheartedly support, would strip the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in all cases of abortion in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 2. This would mean that Roe v. Wade would immediately pass away as any legal authority on this issue.